Find Parking
The two main parking providers in Auckland are Auckland Transport (AT) and Wilson Parking. Both also have apps which help you find and pay for carparks from your phone.
Auckland Transport’s AT Park app allows you to pay for parking in on-street paid parking areas and Auckland Transport off-street car parks. This app allows you to update and manage your account details online, including:
- Setting parking reminders
- Adding multiple vehicles
- Having access to all your parking transactions and tax invoices.

Wilson Parking’s app is called Parkmate which helps you to quickly find a car park regardless if you have a compact car or a larger SUV – then, once you’re parked, you just press ‘Start your Parking’ on the app to commence and ‘Stop your Parking’ when you’re ready to leave.
No more heavy coins to carry; no more queuing; no need to overpay at the outset when you’re unsure of how long you’ll be; and no need to race back to your vehicle to extend your parking time. You will sort it all and pay via Parkmate on your smartphone – and have total control of your parking sessions.
When parking in North Auckland you will find parking in Auckland Transport buildings off-street carparks and on-street carparks and Wilson Car Parking.
Auckland Transport (AT) operates the Anzac St car park in Takapuna as well as the Sandspit car park in Warkworth. On-street parking is also available in Takapuna as well as other commercial centres on the North Shore.
Wilson Parking operates 9 car parking areas in Takapuna, 1 in Northcote on Akoranga drive and 1 at Milford shopping centre and 4 in Albany.
If you park in Auckland central there are many options such as CBD car park buildings to on-street or pay by plate options. You may park at the:
- Downtown car park
- Civic Car park
- Victoria St car park
- Fanshawe car park or at one of the many open-air carparks
Please note several of the open-air car parks are pay by plate. Check car park signage for parking details, including costs and time limits.
You must always adhere to the parking restrictions. Wilson parking operates over 70 car parking facilities in central Auckland as well as Britomart, Auckland hospital, Greenlane hospital, Newmarket, Parnell,
There are 2 car park buildings in western Auckland, McCrae Way car park in New Lynn or Henderson car park operated by Auckland Transport. On-street and open-air parking is also available in west Auckland’s commercial centres. In West Auckland Wilson Car Parking has 3 places in Henderson you can park.
In South Auckland you will find two car parks on Manukau Station Road and the Ronwood Avenue car park in Manukau. On-street and open-air parking is also available in southern Auckland’s commercial centres. Wilson parking operates car parking facilities in Highbrook and Panmure.
Paying for Parking
Auckland Transport operate a Pay by plate parking is a paperless parking payment system that works using your vehicle’s licence plate number and you do not need to return to your vehicle to display a ticket. Your vehicle licence plate number is used to confirm your parking has been paid.
To pay for parking, you enter the vehicle licence plate number and pay for the amount of time you want to park. You will not receive a paper ticket, so there is no need to display one in your vehicle. If the machine is faulty, you must pay for parking at another machine or use AT Park to pay.
If you require a receipt, eReceipts (electronic receipts) are available. Instructions to receive an eReceipt are shown on the machine screen.
Parking times and tariffs vary from one area to another. Always check the nearest pay by plate machine or AT Park for parking rates and times of operation.
In all paid parking areas, there is a 10-minute grace period. If you are parking for less than 10 minutes, you do not need to pay.
With Wilson Parking’s Parkmate it is the smartest and easiest way for you to pay for your pay and display parking. Parkmate gives you full control over your parking sessions. You start the session when you arrive and stop it when you are finished. No more guessing how long you will be, no need for coins, no lining up in the rain, and no need to have to return to your car should you wish to stay longer.
When you start a session, our clever app sends your Rego details to the officer’s devices meaning you no longer need to display a ticket – and you can avoid receiving one too. There are also great options for all day parkers including great Early bird specials in many sites.
Parking Rules
As a quick reference, these are some of the places you must not park, stop your vehicle, set down or pick up passengers these are Broken yellow lines, Bus or transit lanes during the hours of operation as indicated by the signs, Where traffic signs states you must not stop or park, On a marked bus stop or taxi stand.
Parking spaces are well signposted. However, if you are unsure whether you can park somewhere or how long you will need the space for, it is advisable you look for another more suitable place to park.
Vehicle infringements are issued for offences related to vehicle condition, parking, and the use of bus and transit lanes. Without parking and road rules our streets would be chaotic as people clog bus lanes or park wherever they want for as long as they want.
Rules, fines and infringements are tools used in most cities to help moderate motorist behaviour, reduce traffic congestion and assist in the sharing of parking spaces. Auckland Transport’s Parking Officers are legally warranted to provide enforcement services for the rules that apply throughout Auckland.
Vehicle Infringements
Vehicle infringements are issued for offences related to vehicle condition, parking, and the use of bus and transit lanes. These rules, fines and infringements are used in most cities to help moderate motorist behaviour, reduce traffic congestion and assist in the sharing of parking spaces. Parking officers can provide enforcement services for the rules that apply throughout Auckland. The cost of fines can vary depending on the infringement.